[…] When Buddha Shakyamuni was alive, Mara-Papiyas warned against him that he had determined to destroy the Buhdda-Dharma. The Buddha told him, “Buddha's dharma is the true law. No one can destroy it. I've only heard that evil can never prevail over good, rather than evil overthrows good.” Papiyas said: "My demon children and grandchildren will go forth as monks and nuns to destroy your Dharma in the last dharma-age." Upon hearing this, the Buddha remained in silence, tears rolling down his face. We are now at the same critical point today. We are witnessing with our own eyes that not only the Dharma will be destroyed, but bishop Jiang Tao-ran of the Roman Curia also told me that religious people in the world are dwindling by the year. If the situation goes on like this, he said, in two or three decades, there will be no religious people anymore. Other religions are also aware of the issue. I've proposed back then that religion must return to education. […] Resource Master Chin Kung http://big5.xuefo.net/nr/article13/127132.html [Translated by 華頓數位資訊有限公司] It was organized by Jhan, heng- cheng (詹杭橙 師兄) #bisiji3 #chiaochan27 #vivre26 #Charlotte #Charlotte_Jhan #Beth85448874 #confucius #confucianism #taoism #taoist #buddhism #peace #awakening #obedience #No_Rights_Reserved #nocopyright ⭐This Text is in the public domain and has no copyright.
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