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I disagree with the idea of women going out and working

Writer's picture: Jhan, hang-chengJhan, hang-cheng

The Prophet Muhammad said, "People who appoint a woman as their leader (ruler) will never prosper." "And stay in your houses, and do not display yourselves like that of the times of ignorance..." [al-Ahzaab 33:33] ※Taipei Grand Masjid Men, and everyone, come from women. Women, without men, cannot have children either.

When the kids are crying, the father leaves in anger. The father is hardworking and earning money. If women work out there, they are not pure women. ※ A woman who’s good at arguing is not a true woman. - Taipei Grand Masjid

※ Master Chin Kung(Buddhism): I disagree with the idea of women going out and working.[...] In ancient time, it was not like that men were important and women were overlooked spoken randomly by some people. [...] Men go out, for what? For the income of the family. Men are to earn money and sustain their family. In societies ages past, the money you earn must be handed to the housekeeper. In big families, money cannot be hidden. Every month when you need money, it’s like monthly salaries, which are paid by the housekeeper. Men’s money is for everyone. It doesn’t belong to individual. So men work for the family and their personal life is sustained by the entire family. There’s a system right there. As for women? Women have another duty, which is raise and educate the next generation. That’s an important duty. The talents in the family are raised by mothers. Saints or sages alike come from cultivation of women. The mission of the women is to obey their husband and educate their children. They help the husbands, and, more importantly, educate the children. […] Mothers are called “Tai Tai” by the Chinese.

There’s a long history behind the term. When can it be traced back to? Zhou Dynasty. That’s more than three thousand years ago. For the founding fathers, you all know King Wen of Zhou, King Wu of Zhou, and Duke of Zhou. They were great saints. Saints! In the eyes of Confucius, they were the most admired and the most respected. Just see how we call them: kings and duke. Saints! They were so because they were taught by mothers. King Wen of Zhou’s grandmother was Taijiang, his mother was Tairen, and his wife was Taisi. They all had “Tai” in their name. That’s how “Tai Tai” came to be. “Tai Tai” refers to women. We must learn from the three women behind the founding fathers of Zhou. The three saints were taught by them. King Wen was a saint. King Wu and Duke of Zhou were great saints. That the respect to women. The term contains expectation in the praise. Supreme! Chinese people put their faith in women for the future of the country and the nation in the hope that they can cultivate the great saints and sages of the next generation. […] Today, we’ve undergone great changes in many aspects of ideologies. Women go out from the family, competing with men in the society or even becoming politicians. Have you ever thought of the consequences? Both the husband and the wife go out. Who’s taking care of the children? That brings trouble to the family eventually. Children can’t feel the love from the mother and so few of them walk on the right path. You gain one thing, and lose another. When your children become hooligans, hustlers, or prodigals, troubles come. Who’s fault? It’s yours. You cannot blame others, blame the society, or blame the education. You cannot do that. You are responsible, greatly. In the past, mothers’ contribution to the society, the country, the nation was, in my opinion, much greater than that of modern women. They were the mothers of all of the country and the people. They fostered carefully the sages of the country. Truly remarkable. If women become politicians or do something else, they cannot fulfill their duties. So the idea of women staying inside is reasonable. There’s depth in it. [...] So a bodhisattva obtain perfect enlightenment to be a woman, that’s the only way to stabilize the country. The emergence of saints and sages depends on whether mothers fulfill their duties. That’s why a bodhisattva should obtain perfect enlightenment. [...] When it comes to Mencius, we couldn’t avoid mentioning his mother and how she spared no efforts to teach her son. When it comes to Yue Fei, we must remember that his achievements derived from his mother. When there are no good mothers, how can we have sages in our country? We can see that women have greater responsibilities than men do. They foster the seeds for the country and the nation. Men being hardworking are to help women. The true responsibility lies on women. Abandoning such a great responsibility and carrying on easy things is being ignorant and is going to lose more. [...]Chinese people placed great importance in education. This is true, not false. How much importance did they place on education? A mother started nurturing the fetus from pregnancy. She started teaching the child before it was born. Why? She knew that her every thought would influence the baby while it was still in the womb. Her speech and actions would also affect it. Thus, during the ten months of pregnancy, a mother had to observe the rules of pregnancy. She must have pure and correct thoughts; she must not have evil thoughts. The baby was enveloped in this proper energy, without the slightest bad energy. The mother paid attention to this. Thus, the mother does not watch anything that she should not or that is not beneficial, She would not listen to anything that was not proper to hear, she would not say anything that was not proper. She spoke little and let her mind be calm. This way, after the baby was born, teaching it would be easy and it would listen to its mother's words. So Chinese education started with prenatal education. After a child was born, the whole family had to observe proprieties and behave properly, not allowing the baby to see anything discourteous. If it did, it would learn by imitating. Children learn fast. After they are born, as soon as they open their eyes, they can see and hear. It is hard to teach children today. Why? Because parents do not know this. Before a child turns 3, he has already learned bad behaviors. It becomes difficult to teach the child. If a child is hard to discipline, it is because the mother has not done her duty. If the mother knows to implement prenatal education, the mother is a sage. The child will become a sage, a Buddha, or a bodhisattva in the future. Buddhas and bodhisattvas were taught to become so. Who taught them? Their mothers. How great mothers are! [...] Related info. 168. The book of Tuan Zhuan said: “In the oracle named ‘family members’: A woman has her correct place on the inside, a man has his correct place on the outside. This is the great equitable way of heaven and earth. Each family is headed by ‘leaders’—a term referring to the father and the mother—who are serious and principled. When parents fulfill their duties as parents; when children fulfill their duties as children; when elder brothers fulfill their duties as elder brothers; when younger brothers fulfill their duties as younger brothers; when a husband fulfills his duties as a husband; when a wife fulfills her duties as a wife, then the family will live in harmony. When all families live in harmony, the whole world will become stable and harmonious.” Scroll 1: Zhou Yi The Story of Buddha’s Endeavor for His Mother in Trāyastriṃśa on the seventh day after Gautama Buddha’s birth, Queen Māyā of Sakya, his mother, passed away to Trāyastriṃśa. How can the Queen ascended to the heaven? The reason was that she gave birth to a child that would bring blessings to humanity. She carried such blessing to Trāyastriṃśa. Resource (穆斯林為什麼要戴頭巾?| 地球知識局 | 天天要聞) وَمِنْ ءَايَـٰتِهِۦٓ أَنْ خَلَقَ لَكُم مِّنْ أَنفُسِكُمْ أَزْوَٰجًا لِّتَسْكُنُوٓا۟ إِلَيْهَا وَجَعَلَ بَيْنَكُم مَّوَدَّةً وَرَحْمَةً ۚ إِنَّ فِى ذَٰلِكَ لَـَٔايَـٰتٍ لِّقَوْمٍ يَتَفَكَّرُونَ Things Easily Missed in Marriage • Ramadan [2012/08/05] Taipei Grand Masjid (YouTube - Hadziq 哈明飛) Ramadan course in Taipei Grand Masjid. It was presented by Omar Ayesh and translated subsequently by Hanan Lu. 淨空法師:女孩子的服裝穿著要合格 Instagram (女人責任重大,這個家庭有沒有好的後代完全靠你 | 媽咪拜MamiBuy) Education as the First Priority - Master Chin Kung 3. Excerpt from Instagram ➡️ Tumblr ➡️ Blogger➡️ Xuite ➡️ #bisiji3 #chiaochan27 #vivre26 #Charlotte #Charlotte_Jhan #Beth85448874 #confucius #confucianism #taoism #taoist #buddhism #peace #awakening #obedience #No_Rights_Reserved #nocopyright ⭐This Text is in the public domain and has no copyright.

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